Tuesday, October 19, 2010

October 19th 2010

    I am excited and honored to know that I am an official blogger of the University of North dakota. It felt like no one was really reading my writing, but now that I'm a link on the Study Abroad page I'm excited as ever to share my experiences with anyone willing to read the text or watch the videos.
Speaking of videos, I DO have 3 ready to be posted, but they won't upload. Maybe I'm being impatient, but regardless it shouldn't take a 5 min. Video more than 2 hours to upload.... Come On!
       I leave on Friday for Dublin, and it's a bittersweet happenstance. It just so happens that I'm missing the ACN Homecoming dance scheduled for that day. The excellent coordinators we have--have gotten a DJ, a party spot and everything needed to make a GREAT night. I'm meeting my good buddy Tyler Farrell in Dublin and we'll be there from Friday until Tuesday staying at his friend's place. Then, on Tuesday, We fly from Dublin to Barcelona to spend roughly 4 days there. (We get in late Tuesday night, I leave Saturday afternoon.) I'm excited to finally get to travel around Europe, I had been waiting for Tarik to get his Visa, but it still hasn't come. Of course I feel guilty leaving him behind, as any friend would, but I can't wait until we can go somewhere exciting together REAL soon. =)
     I'm sure I'll be having fun, I'm just bumming out that I'm missing such a fun evening. Classes are really under-way. We've been swamped the past week and it will continue until Thursday. I have 2 more papers due next week along with the Norwegian 101 exam I have tomorrow morning. I'm making sure I get pictures of the dance to post on here so my viewers know what it's like to have a Homecoming with a 70 student school...keeping in mind we weren't aware there even was a homecoming week until roughly 6 days before. Regardless, I'm going to make it home in time for the Halloween Party, which should be fun. I'm currently Brian-storming (no, not "brain" storming) for the upcoming Study Abroad meeting at UND... What I wished I had asked before I came over here.
Please leave comments,
Love the feedback.....



  1. If you care I look every day to see if you have posted anything on here. This is a great opportunity for you. Take advantage of it.
